Date: Jun 03, 2021 1:52 pm Title: Chapter 15
Bree loves being the flower girl!!
Date: Sep 10, 2020 10:46 pm Title: Chapter 6
Bree is a spoiled brat
Date: Oct 04, 2018 3:52 am Title: Chapter 15
all those people have to thank Brian for there happiness
Author's Response: They should, but they usually don't.
Date: Mar 16, 2018 9:06 pm Title: Chapter 15
Trust Bree to think of the most important thing. Lol. I'm glad that Justin is so happy with Lacy's work. It makes it easier to let go.
Author's Response: Bree has her priorities in order. lol
Date: Mar 16, 2018 7:34 pm Title: Chapter 14
I like Seths way about going for what he wants. It's great for a good relationship.
Author's Response: So true.
Date: Mar 16, 2018 6:41 pm Title: Chapter 13
Lacy and Michael seem to work great together. I hope it stays that way.
Also it's so good to see that everybody is doing everything they can to help Curtis.
Author's Response: Michael finding someone to work with is great.
Date: Mar 16, 2018 12:35 pm Title: Chapter 12
Life seems to get better for Curtis. That poor boy deserves it.
Author's Response: About time he caught a break.
Date: Mar 16, 2018 11:56 am Title: Chapter 11
Now the image of a half naked Mel bouncing in Brian's lap will be forever burned into my brain.
Author's Response: Ooh, not a good thing.
Date: Mar 16, 2018 10:36 am Title: Chapter 10
Bree's answer to that question was perfect. It made me smile.
Author's Response: So pleased you liked it.
Date: Mar 16, 2018 9:28 am Title: Chapter 9
I can't wait to hear of Brian's day at school.
Hopefully Curtis' situation can be sorted out soon.
Author's Response: Brian in a school should be interesting.
Date: Mar 16, 2018 9:25 am Title: Chapter 9
I can't wait to hear of Brian's day at school.
Hopefully Curtis' situation can be sorted out soon.
Date: Mar 16, 2018 8:59 am Title: Chapter 8
It's good that Brian knows about the rumors. Maybe they can do something to put them to rest.
Author's Response: Rumors are hard to deal with.
Date: Mar 15, 2018 10:54 pm Title: Chapter 7
I wonder how long it will take for those rumors to reach one of the people they are about.
Author's Response: Hm, that remains to be seen.
Date: Mar 15, 2018 10:48 pm Title: Chapter 6
Will Brian see Curtis at the clinic? That way they could start really helping him.
Author's Response: Curtis does need a lot of help.
Date: Mar 15, 2018 10:38 pm Title: Chapter 5
Oh I would love it if Curtis could stay with Raph and Hector. It's the perfect solution.
Author's Response: You may get your wish.
Date: Mar 15, 2018 10:27 pm Title: Chapter 4
Lacy did the perfect thing with Michael. He needs to know that he can't just step over everyone.
Author's Response: Trouble is, Michael never understands anything for long.
Date: Mar 15, 2018 10:18 pm Title: Chapter 3
Hopefully Hunter can help him without turning him over to the cops.
Author's Response: This is Hunter's mission.
Date: Mar 15, 2018 9:54 pm Title: Chapter 2
I feel so sorry for Curtis. The system has failed him and he seems like a nice guy.
Author's Response: Yes, he doesn't want to do bad things, but he has to survive.
Date: Mar 15, 2018 7:55 pm Title: Chapter 1
The poor boy that mugged Brian. To lose his only friend must be hard. Even though it's only a cat.
I think it's a great idea to make Lacy into a super hero. She deserves it.
Author's Response: Curtis is not in a good situation.
Date: Aug 08, 2017 2:51 am Title: Chapter 1
Chapter 0
Author's Response: -
Date: Jul 04, 2017 5:01 am Title: Chapter 15
We've been missing Bree. But make her a flower girl and she's happy. I think Curtis and Matty are going to be happy too.
Author's Response: Bree is the best flower girl ever. LOL
Date: Jul 04, 2017 4:19 am Title: Chapter 14
Justin's interest in Rage is protected and Lacy made a good deal too. Jennifer is getting married. The family are going to be excited. They like Seth.
Author's Response: Seth is a good guy.
Date: Jul 04, 2017 2:47 am Title: Chapter 13
It interesting that Brian doesn't trust Michael and something I felt he did too much in the series. It's nice that Mikey's made nice with Lacy. I'm so glad things are going well for Curtis.
Author's Response: Brian has learned what Michael can be like, and he does things accordingly.
Date: Jul 03, 2017 8:56 pm Title: Chapter 12
Jennifer has finally met her match. Love match. Curtis did well with the judge and I can't wait to find out what happen with the Hardigans. I know that Curtis gets adopted so yippy. Justin can never stay mad at Brian.
Author's Response: Things are going quite well.
Date: Jul 03, 2017 2:57 pm Title: Chapter 11
Oh this chapter was nice and very, very funny. Mel bouncing on Brian's lap!
Author's Response: Glad you enjoyed it.